
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A trip to the grocery store!

Can I keep putting it off! Surely we still have food at home we can eat!
OK so we are out of juice, meat, bread, eggs, butter...agh! Better go!

When you have shopped at the same store for years, buying the same food week in week out, its hard to change! I am still getting used to all this change for the better, but honestly it is still overwhelming! I'm still learning a lot and am not sure what to buy (ie, what tastes good and my kids will eat. Yes we have had a lot of wasted food lately which is adding to my frustration) I figured I will just try my best and cut myself some slack! There are a number of things though that I have found and the family likes, my cart consists of a lot of fresh produce now too as we are making so much from scratch.

I have to say before I left for the store I spent an hour going through some "naughties" like bleached white flour (see previous post for the "goodies") So I could go armed in my mind with what to look for and what to avoid when it comes to grains. Whole grains and wheat it is. It feels empowering to start a shopping trip with some new knowledge like this.

With most of the store "of limits" the organic section has been such an adventure too look through. Its funny I have kind of turned it into a treasure hunt. Looking for something to replace the old bad version, its kind of fun and a total victory when I get home and it tastes good!

This week I ventured into the baking department, somewhere I would never go before unless it was to buy a packet confetti cake mix. Now I find myself with list in hand looking for things like, baking powder, wholewheat flour, allspice. I am going to do (try) some baking...Oh my gosh!!!
Pie crusts, muffins, cookies, pizza dough and anything else I can think of...wish me luck!

Now what to do with the cans of Pillsbury biscuits in the fridge? Have you seen whats in those things...yikes!

I want to thank the wonderful staff at Fred Meyers in Renton who are so supportive of my new journey, especially Jan in the organic department and Michelle in the kids club who let me have an extra hour of kid free shopping yesterday...THANK YOU!!!

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